Deuter Streamer Water Reservoirs Water Reservoirs

Deuter Streamer Water Reservoirs Water Reservoirs 


Getting funky is on the trail is fine- you do it every time you go for a ride or a hike. We all fall victim to funky pits, funky feet, or even funky crotchal regions. You don't have to be subjected to funky water, though. That's where the Deuter Streamer Reservoir comes in. The taste free bladder and tube are coated with a glass-like, taste-free film that doesn't start funky and won't attract bacterial baddies, even after your water gets weeks old. Suddenly, cleaning isn't necessary. To top it off, Deuter added Grunge Guard, an anti-microbial technology that blocks bacterial growth for the life (yeah, we said LIFE) of the system.

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